New Player Area

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There is a new play area that you can enter via the world omniporter. Inside you can find various quests, loads of things to train on and with, the entrance to the new player dungeon, the entrance to the new player champ, and more.

Power Hour Cloak

Power Hour Cloak Until account age 45 days, you can obtain a power hour cloak for a 1-hour duration every 24 hrs. You can obtain this by double-clicking or single-clicking and selecting talk to John the Keeper of Power John the Keeper of Power in the new player area.

New Player Donation Box

New Player Donation Box In the new player area, you can also find a Donation Box where you can take any items you want from up until you are 45 days old. these items are donated in there from other players.

New Player Dungeon

You can enter the new player dungeon through the cave entrance south of the new player building in the new player area.

New Player Champion Spawn

You can enter the new player champion spawn through the cave entrance south of the new player building in the new player area. After you are 60 days old you may still assist new players with the spawn, but will receive no reward for helping.

Training Room

You can enter the training room on the second floor of the new player building in the new player area. All players can use the training room no matter of player age.

Taming Horses

You can afk train your taming/vet/provoking skills on these horses found in the stables just west of the New Player Gate. Information can be found Here

New Player Quests

There are 4 quests available in the new player area. Information about them can be found here.