Taming Bods

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Taming bulk order deeds can be obtained from Animal Trainers.

Animal Taming Bod


Bulk Order Taming Animals
Cat Dog Cow Bull Llama* Hind*
Great Hart* Rat Rabbit* Bird Brown Bear Grizzly Bear
Black Bear Polar Bear Panther Cougar Grey Wolf Timber Wolf
Walrus* Snow Leopard* White Wolf Pig Boar* Chicken
Sheep Goat Mountain Goat* Skittering Hopper* Eagle Bull Frog*
Giant Toad* Gorilla* Sewer Rat Jack Rabbit* Gaman* Horse
Ridable Llama Forest Ostard Desert Ostard Frenzied Ostard Swamp Dragon Ridgeback
Beetle Kirin Unicorn Nightmare Fire Steed Lesser Hiryu
Hiryu Fire Beetle Mongbat Drake Dragon Giant Spider
Frost Spider Snake* White Wyrm Slime* Alligator* Hell Cat
Predator Hell Cat* Hell Hound Dire Wolf Imp Lava Lizard* Slime
Scorpion Giant Rat Bake Kitsune* Rune Beetle* Deathwatch Beetle

Note: Animals with * are not part of Large Bulk Order Deeds.

Sizes and Points

As of February 19th, 2020 the taming bods use the point reward system.

BOD Sizes and Points
10 Single

10 Points

15 Single

25 Points

20 Single

50 Points

2 x 10

210 Points

2 x 15

225 Points

2 x 20

250 Points

3 x 10

260 Points

3 x 15

275 Points

3 x 20

300 Points

4 x 10

310 Points

4 x 15

325 Points

4 x 20

350 Points

5 x 10

360 Points

5 x 15

375 Points

5 x 20

400 Points

6 x 10

410 Points

6 x 15

425 Points

6 x 20

450 Points


Points Item Description
10 Pet Brush Taming Crafting Tool.
10 105 Veterinary Power Scroll Makes Veterinary skill max 105
25 105 Animal Lore Power Scroll Makes Animal Lore skill max 105
25 Pet Leash Pet leash with more than normal uses
25 Leather Token Level 1
50 A bottle of Pet Bleach Lets you return a pet to zero hue.
50 105 Pet Power Scroll Random power scroll for pets to raise that skill to 105
50 105 Animal Taming Power Scroll Makes Animal Taming skill max 105
210 110 Veterinary Power Scroll Makes Veterinary skill max 110
210 +1 Veterinary Gear Gear that allows Veterinary over the cap.
225 +1 Animal Taming Gear Gear that allows Animal Taming over the cap
225 The Animal Trainer Title A deed to allow you to have this title
250 +1 Animal Lore Gear Gear that allows Animal Lore over the cap
250 110 Animal Lore Power Scroll Makes Animal Lore skill max at 110
250 The Farm Hand Title A deed to allow you to have this title
260 The Rancher Title A deed to allow you to have this title
260 110 Animal Taming Power Scroll Makes Animal Taming skill max at 110
275 Dragon Head Deed A deed to let you place a dragon head in your house.
275 110 Pet Power Scroll Random power scroll for pets to raise that skill to 110
300 Horse Barding Deed A deed to let you place horse barding in your house.
300 The Zookeeper Title A deed that allows you to have this title
310 Leather Token Level 2
310 115 Veterinary Power Scroll Makes Veterinary skill max at 115
325 +3 Veterinary Gear Gear that allows Veterinary over the cap
325 115 Animal Lore Power Scroll Makes Animal Lore skill max at 115
325 115 Pet Power Scroll Random power scroll for pets to raise that skill to 115
350 Mounted Pixie Deed A deed that lets you place a mounted pixie on your wall
350 Pet Bonding Deed Lets you bond one of your tamed pets
360 +3 Animal Taming Gear Gear that allows Animal Taming over the cap
360 115 Animal Taming Power Scroll Makes Animal Taming skill max at 115
375 120 Pet Power Scroll Random power scroll for pets to raise that skill to 120
375 +3 Animal Lore Gear Gear that allows Animal Lore over the cap
400 Taming Bod Requester Lets you gather bods from anywhere with the item
400 +5 Veterinary Gear Gear that allows Veterinary over the cap
400 120 Veterinary Power Scroll Makes Veterinary skill max at 120
410 Pet Rename Deed Allows you to rename your pet with spaces in the name
410 Leather Token Level 3
410 +5 Animal Taming Gear Gear that allows Animal Taming over the cap
410 120 Animal Lore Power Scroll Makes Animal Lore skill max at 120
425 +5 Animal Lore Gear Gear that allows Animal Lore over the cap
425 120 Animal Taming Power Scroll Makes Animal Taming skill max at 120
450 130 Pet Power Scroll Random power scroll for pets to raise that skill to 130
800 Pet Speed Boost Deed A deed that lets you increase your pets speed. (This does not work on pets with the Slow trait)