Nefarious Monsters

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When a non-Champion/Named Monster spawns in Faraan, there is about a 5% chance it will be a Nefarious of it's kind. Nefarious mobs are far more powerful then a standard creature of their type, and the stronger examples can potentially kill an unprepared player within a couple of seconds.

Defeating a Nefarious mob provides a chance of having a Traditional Minor artifact to appear directly in your pack dependent on the Fame of the creature, and your level of Luck. Although they don't give artifacts terribly often, the Nefarious mobs themselves are fairly easy to locate (and often to defeat) and so their specific artifacts are considered common.

Nefarious Monsters also have a chance to drop a Nefarious Chest and Arrow Recipe Scrolls.

Blood Wine

Blood Wine

Branding Iron

Branding Iron

Corroded Slicer

Corroded Slicer

Dragon's Heart

Dragon's Heart

Freeze of Death

Freeze of Death

Gorget of Faith

Gorget of Faith

Hell's Fury

Hell's Fury



Jars of Cyanide

Jars of Cyanide



The Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas

Quasar Sabers

Quasar Sabers

Sinful Pleasure

Sinful Pleasure

Sword of Protection

Sword of Protection

Trapped Souls

Trapped Souls



Unholy Vision

Unholy Vision